What is a Soulpreneur?

Any individual who aligns with their soul, values and passion first to build their brand.

Our Philosophy

We believe that you can build a flourishing brand and live your life fully. We are dedicated to giving you the services, tools and education you need to be able to not only run a thriving business, but also be able to enjoy the life you have dreamed about now.

Soulpreneurs Association Action Items:

Soulpreneurs was founded on the belief that you can build a successful business while maintaining your personal and family life. We believe putting your faith, self-love and care first is key to the best life!

Soulpreneurs knows that you have tons of creative ideas and we are here to support them! We have 3 areas in which we serve:

1. Education: We have a ton of resources for you to be educated from start-up to thriving business.

2. Tools - We have the technology and organization tools for you to have at your fingertips so you don't have to waste time figuring it out.

3. Community - We are on a mission to bring Soulpreneurs together. By building a directory and community that serves not just one or a few, but all Soulpreneurs, we will serve the world by cultivating a stabilizing energy of kindness, pure joy and expansion!

Our Offerings

Best online tools

for your business

Soul Software is designed for the business owner who don't want to login to multiple sites to make edits to their website, run their marketing campaigns, check-in with their community and manage their CRM. Check out how businesses are reducing their stress levels by using our all-in-one place platform, Soul Software.

Collaboration Opportunities

Become a member of our Master Space to network with Soulpreneurs from around the world, learn about events that are happening, member programs and allow you to go live and share your unique gifts. This isn't just a space to network, it's also a space to shine bright!

Be a Guest

Blogger or V-Logger

Being seen and heard isn't just about social media, it's also the ability to be searched in places like like Google. This is called SEO. Blogging on your own site can be beneficial, and guest blogging is even better! This makes you even more searchable!

Check out our clients!

The Edge Fitness Club!

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I'll keep you posted

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© 2024 Soulpreneurs Association LLC